Wednesday, May 24, 2017

He Quiets the Waters

"He made the storm to be still and the waves of the sea were hushed.  They were glad the waters were quiet, and He brought them to their desired haven."  Psalm 107:29-30

Lord Jesus, thank you for leading us across the water safely.  Thank you for stilling the waters and quieting all fears.  In Jesus name, Amen.

When my daughter was six, we went to a water park in Florida.  She could swim, but was not a great swimmer yet.  There was a water course in which to cross one had to hold onto rope overhead while walking across floating plastic icebergs beneath.  The icebergs moved up and down with the waves of the water.  Although the waves were minimal, in her six-year-old mind, I'm sure they towered as hurricanes.   In Matthew Chapter 8 there is a story of Jesus' disciples being on a boat with Jesus. During this excursion, mighty waves arose on the sea.  But Jesus was sleeping...

Can you imagine the scene?  Waves crashing onto the boat.  Disciples panicked stricken with fear of imminent death.  Racing back and forth on the boat, managing the sails, holding onto the helm.

The waves and wind of life can overcome us.  The storm inside our souls can sink us if we hold onto the panic and fears.

The disciples were human.  Like us, they didn't run to Jesus immediately when the storm began to come.  Notice, Jesus wasn't panicked.  He wasn't afraid.  He was resting, asleep.

When the storms and trials come, or when we feel fearful, I pray our first response would be to run to the One who can calm every storm and still every raging sea seemingly against us.  If God is for us, who then can be against us (Romans 8:31).

We can be our own worst enemy. Sometimes the one holding us back from reaching the other side is ourselves. My daughter made it across the waters that day as she reached up to the ropes and held on.  Her dependence on the strength of the ropes and the reassuring voice of her mother that she was going to make it to the other side gave her the courage to press onward to the other side.

Our Lord is right there.  He is our strength we hold onto.  And it is His voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit gently encouraging us forward and cheering us on that we will make it to the other side if only we don't give into fear and let go.  Trust in Him.  Depend on Him to still the waters.  You can make it to the other side.  You can make it to the desired haven.

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