Thursday, August 27, 2015


"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matt 28:19

Father, I pray Deeper Still would go and make disciples of all the nations.  I pray for those who attended training last weekend to go and fulfill every purpose you have ordained for them before time began.  I pray for a fresh infilling of your Holy Spirit, courage and boldness to go. I pray for You to make a way.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 


Before disciples can be made, before anything can be multiplied, the heart of Kingdom work begins with the first command and order of business--go.

“Go” in the original Greek is the word poreuo. (

There are many things to say about this short two letter word--go

First off, the word poreuo in itself resembles the English word, “pour”.  When we go, we are pouring out our lives. It isn’t officially what poreuo means, just interesting how similar the words are in lexical appearance. 
Poreuo has the following meanings, all of which are impactful:  
1.  To lead over, carry over, transfer

2.  To pursue the journey on which ones has entered, to continue on one’s journey

3.  To depart from life

4.  To follow one, that is become his adherent

Breaking these meanings down in order: 

We go to lead others and transfer knowledge or revelation to equip others for the Lord’s work.
We go to pursue and continue the journey we have begun.

When we go, we temporarily depart from our “normal life”.

And finally, but really firstly, when we go, we are also following One.  We need to adhere to Jesus (John 15), become His adherent. 

At the Deeper Still training, just last weekend, there were about 106 in attendance.  106 bodies who can go and make disciples of all nations.  The multiplication factor is magnanimous. What if all 106 go?  What if all 106 pour out, lead, pursue, depart, follow and adhere?  Whew.  An exceedingly great army is arising.  Lord, I pray they would go

Friday, August 14, 2015

An Exceedingly Great Army

“’Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.’ So I prophesized as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” Ezekiel 37:9-10

Father,  as we are drawing near to the Deeper Still Training, we ask for You to bring Your chosen from the four corners of the earth and breathe Your breath of life upon them.  Breathe Your life into the dry and desolate lands scorched from bloodshed.  Bring forth new life and may those coming go and breathe Your life into others and may there be an exceedingly great army come out of this training. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

In Ezekial 37, Ezekial was brought to a valley full of bones.  He was confronted with death and asked a question posed by God, “Can these bones live?” 

As a nation, we have been confronted with death.  The videos released exposing the horrific scenes from Planned Parenthood were shocking and a visual reminder of the stark reality of the monstrosity of abortion. 

An alarm has sounded. 

And the answer to the questions still rings…”Can these bones live?”

The answer is a resounding YES.

Jesus is still in the resurrection business.  Always has been and always will be. 

Every time we speak out for truth.  Every time we pray.  Every time we fight for the lives of these innocent ones.  Every time we share our redemption story.   In all of this-- life is breathed and life is given.

Ezekial was told to say to the bones, “Hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: ’Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.  I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live.’”  (Ezekial 37:5-6)

We are the flesh God has put on the bones.  He is breathing life into us and calling us to go forth and become an exceedingly great army.  We have been confronted with death and it is time for us to decide how we will respond.  Will we just sit back and do nothing and lay still like the dry bones in the valley? Or will we allow the Lord to breathe life into us, stand up, and say yes to His assignment?

One thing is for certain, we can no longer stay stagnant in denial.  

The Deeper Still Team in having training next weekend, August 21-22  in Knoxville, TN.  If you just want to learn more about the abortion wounded or how to minister to the abortion wounded, then this training is for you.  If you want to start a Deeper Still Chapter or are interested in starting a chapter, this training is for you also!  Men and women!  We need you both!  There are already about 90 people registered from 12 different states and 2 countries. 

There is an exceedingly great army God is calling forth!  He is waking up His people to spread His message of truth and resurrection life!  Come be a part of what He is doing!  If you don’t feel called to come, will you join us in the fight by praying?  We need prayer warriors in this army!