“Thus says the Lord God: ‘Come from the four winds, O breath,
and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” Ezekiel 37:9b
Father, we ask for
Your presence to come from the four winds and for Your Holy Spirit to breathe
on those slain by the wounds of abortion.
Father, breathe on them at the Deeper Still retreats so that they may
The mood in our pearl white mini-van was joyous and playful as we
traveled home from church. As often is
the case in said mini-van, one of the kids asked a random hypothetical question. The question today:
“If you could choose
anything not real to be alive, what would you choose?”
My husband, as if he had waited his entire life for such a
question, immediately answered, “Transformers!”
My husband was not referring to
the electrical kind of transformers, but rather the fictional robots that
change from a car to an alien over life-sized fighting machine. Does Optimus Prime ring a bell?
The kids instantly dismissed Dad’s answer claiming it to be
impossible for Transformers to be alive. Like
any of their answers were any better! Ahem…stuffed animals. After all, wasn’t pretense the point of the
question? The minds of kids are baffling
at times.
Anyway, the question posed in the mini-van reminded me of
several stories in the Bible where something not living did indeed come alive. (2
Kings 14:21, 2 Kings 4:34, John 11:44, John 20, Matt 9:25)
There were no Transformers in the Bible (although I think we
can all agree that would have been cool!), but the resurrection power of God is
transforming. It changes the inanimate,
into life breathing, death conquering fighting machines.
When the wind of the Holy Spirit moves and breathes life,
miracles happen. The wind of the Holy
Spirit breathes on those slain by the wounds of abortion and causes them to
come alive and become transformers who will fight for freedom, fight for life,
and fight for truth.
Ezekiel 37:10 ”…And
breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.”
God is raising up an army of life breathing and life giving
transformers for His Kingdom!! Although
our kids might disagree, I think my husband’s answer was perfect!